We, the members of Perth Angels, in recognition of the importance of our investments and related activities in affecting the livelihoods of others and in accepting a personal obligation to our peers and the communities in which we act, hereby commit ourselves to the highest ethical and professional conduct and agree that every member of the Association is expected to comply with this Code of Conduct.
Members of the Association, in respect of any Angel investment, or related activity in which the member is an actual or prospective investor or advisor, shall comply with the following standards of the Conduct:
- Members shall act with honour, integrity, dignity, diligence and in good faith in order to merit the trust of their peers and of the community.
- Members shall act with honesty, equity and without discrimination towards all individuals in the community.
- Members have an obligation to be ethical in judgement and actions.
- Members shall not take improper advantage of their position as an actual or prospective investor, or advisor.
- Members shall, where relevant, take reasonable steps to inform themselves, their peers, their portfolio companies and their advisors of the social, environmental, economic and other possible consequences which may arise from their actions.
- Members shall not make improper use of information acquired as an actual or prospective investor, or advisor.
- Members shall promptly and properly manage any conflict of interests which may arise.
- Confidential information received by members in the course of considering, making, or advising on an Angel investment remains the property of the person or company from which it was obtained and it is improper for the members to disclose, or allow to be disclosed that confidential information, unless that disclosure has been authorised by that company or person from whom the information is provided, or is required by law.
- Members shall not engage in conduct likely to bring discredit upon their Angel investments, their peers, or the Association.
- Members have an obligation, at all times, to comply with the spirit, as well as the letter, of the law and with the principles of this Code.
- Members shall not assist in or induce a breach of this Code and shall support those who seek to uphold the Code if called upon, or in a position to do so.
- Members will respect and be cognisant of the confidentiality and copyright of all documents and materials provided by the group and/or any affiliated Angel groups in Australia and their suppliers, partners and other Angel associations that deliver to members information, materials, education and advice.