Perth Angel Pitch Nights are convened by Western Australian Angel Investors Inc. (trading as the Perth Angels) for the purpose of introducing Angel Investors and Companies seeking angel investment in accordance with Class Order 02/273 issued by the Australian Securities Investments Commission (ASIC). Class Order 02/273 provides an exemption from the fundraising provisions of the Corporations Act for persons involved in making or calling attention to offers of securities through a business introduction service.
Prospective investors should obtain further information from the Issuer or Seller and conduct further enquiries about the proposed investment and the securities or scheme interests that may be issued, or sold before applying for or buying those financial products.
Requests for further information about a proposed investment and the relevant securities or scheme interests may be made to the Issuer or Seller (as the case may be). Prospective investors are strongly advised to take appropriate professional advice before accepting an offer for issue or sale of any securities or scheme interests, including advice about whether the proposed investment is suitable for that person’s circumstances.
No contract for the issue or sale of the securities or scheme interests discussed at a Meeting shall be entered into on the day of the Meeting between an Issuer or Seller and a prospective investor who attended the Meeting;
A contract for the issue or sale of securities or scheme interests discussed at a Meeting entered into during the period of five business days commencing on the date of the Meeting, with a prospective investor who attended the Meeting, is voidable at the option of the prospective investor, without penalty or forfeiture, during the period of ten business days commencing on the date of the Meeting; and
Neither the Operator nor any other person associated with the Introduction Service has been endorsed or approved by ASIC.